Inclusive Education in Classroom

Inclusive Education in Classroom Settings in Pakistan

Children with special needs have the right to be enrolled in mainstream schools with their friends. Both international guidelines and Pakistani education policies affirm this right.
Discover in this course how to recognize children with special needs, and how to prepare the school environment and teaching approaches to ensure that they can be included in a way that ALL children in school benefit. You shall be taught by a team of internationally renowned experts who have substantial knowledge and experience in the field of Inclusive Education. This course is based on the approach developed through Action Research conducted in Karachi.


What will you learn?

  • How to do a situational analysis of your school, pre-school or learning centre How to recognise additional needs
  • How to observe and assess the needs of the child and the whole class What strategies and approaches to use, such as adjusting materials and preparing inclusive lesson plans
  • How to motivate your whole school community to become more inclusive